Do you need a dental crown? If you are unhappy with your smile because you have broken or fractured teeth, fractured fillings, or damage from decay, dental crowns may be the solution. A dental crown (or cap) is a covering that encases the entire tooth surface, restoring it to its original shape and size and improving your smile. Dental crowns are a great solution because they can protect and strengthen the tooth structure of a tooth that cannot otherwise be restored with fillings or other types of restorations. If you are interested in restoring your smile, La Mesa Hills Dentistry of La Mesa, California offers porcelain crowns to restore and enhance your smile.
Once the enamel (surface) of the tooth is injured in some manner, it does not have the ability to heal itself. Unlike most of the human body, teeth do not have extensive healing capabilities. So how can a damaged tooth be restored? A dental crown, also known as a cap, is a covering that encases the entire tooth surface of a damaged tooth and is placed to stabilize a damaged tooth and prevent further damage. Crowns are also often used to seal teeth after root canal therapy.
There are several reasons one might require a crown, including:
- Teeth damaged due to trauma or bacterial infection.
- Broken or fractured teeth.
- Decayed teeth.
- Fractured fillings.
- Large fillings.
- Tooth has a root canal.
- Cosmetic enhancement.
There are several types of crowns available today, and LMHD uses the most current, advanced materials to provide you the best results. While gold was once the material of choice, porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crowns were later used as the primary material for crowns. Now, thanks to advances in dental technology, we are able to offer fully-porcelain crowns, completely eliminating the need for unsightly metal. These fully-porcelain crowns are precision-engineered to create a beautiful fit, are highly durable and will last many years. These crowns are made to match the shape, size, and color of your teeth, and can last for as long as 15 – 20 years.
At La Mesa Hills Dentistry, we make the process of getting a dental crown as simple and straightforward as possible. First, your dental team will prepare the damaged tooth, make an impression, and place a temporary crown while the custom ceramic crown is being created at the laboratory. At a subsequent appointment, the dental team removes the temporary crown, thoroughly cleans the tooth, and affixes the permanent crown to the tooth using luting cement. The result is a completely restored tooth, and a beautiful smile.
Advantages of all-porcelain crowns include:
- No metal – Unlike traditional porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns, all-porcelain crowns contain no metal at all, so there are no unsightly metal bands visible near the base of the tooth and no metal in your mouth.
- Biocompatibility – All-porcelain crowns are engineered to encourage the gums to grow back around them, eventually resulting in full gum symmetry and stability.
- Exact color matching – All-porcelain crowns can be created in a color that will perfectly match the color of existing teeth.
- Custom fitting – Highly skilled technicians create custom porcelain crowns to ensure that a perfect fit is achieved.
At La Mesa Hills Dentistry, we are proud to offer the latest in all-porcelain crowns to serve our patients’ needs. When you come into LMHD, we will carefully evaluate your damaged or decayed teeth, and discuss with you the best options for restoration. The LMHD dental team will always listen closely to your needs, and work closely with you to find the right dental solution for you. In many cases, all-porcelain dental crowns are a great solution, because they offer a long-lasting way to restore your damaged teeth and your beautiful smile. If you are ready to restore your smile, click here or call us at (619) 469-2902 today!